In charge:
The entire content of this site, including images, is provided and owned by TQ CONSULTORES DE CALIDAD TECNOLÓGICA, S.L. (being TQ CONSULTORES its trademark). Copying and commercial use by any legal entity other than TQ CONSULTORES is prohibited, unless expressly authorised by TQ CONSULTORES. The goal of the content is exclusively to expose the service provided by the organisation, its advantages and contact information with a commercial
purpose and does not entail any kind of warranty.
It currently provides its services from calle Luis I número 17 oficina D4 de Madrid, Spain.
Phone number +34 910 867 874
The entity TQ CONSULTORES DE CALIDAD TECNOLÓGICA, S.L., was established on January the 25th, 2017, being its current legal form a LIMITED Company, currently regulated by the Spanish Royal Legislative Decree 1/2010 of July the 2nd, 2010, approving the consolidated text of the Law on Capital Companies.
The registered office is established in VALDEMORILLO, municipality of the province of MADRID, Cl. Monte Perdido No. 22. The Tax Identification Number of the Company TQ CONSULTORES DE CALIDAD TECNOLÓGICA, S.L. is B87741179. The Company is registered in the Commercial Register of Madrid on January the 27th 2017, entry 678 of the Journal 77, 1st inscription of Sheet M-639324, Folio 1 of Volume 35571.
This site is governed by Spanish law. In case of conflict related to it, both parties shall submit themselves to the jurisdiction and remit of the Tribunals and Courts of Majadahonda (Spain).